exhibiting our work on social media

Shainthra Birabaharan
To promote the team's ventures, Shainthra...
To establish a modern standing in our modern world, we needed to create a social media following. By doing so, we are able to establish a unique and individual team theme and culture. We also can further promote FIRST and enrichment in STEM to the wider online audience. By doing so, we have networked with multiple international teams, and we have been able to provide tips and guides to our fellow FTC teams. Not only that, but we have been able to provide exciting glimpses into our team's work to further motivate everybody to join in on the FIRST Fun!

showcasing and collaborating with FRC teams

Hugo Lawler
In his initiative, Hugo aimed to...
In robotics, we understand that community is key! And what better way is there than to network with our local Queensland FRC Team!? We were fortunate enough to visit St Peters Lutheran College's wonderful FRC team - the Rock Bots! By reaching out with them, we were able to further our understanding of the FIRST program in terms of FRC, and appreciate how we could further ourselves through wider collaboration.

more of our work is coming

Theo Sun
Theo has an exciting upcoming initiative planned...
Or, shoot us an email/DM to work something we could do together out!
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